A good human is the one who displays kindness, peace, humility, patience, endurance and who is faithful. Good humans earn a lot of respect of others because of the fact that they value each and every thing in life, which opens numerous doors to opportunities. Becoming a good human is not hard, but nothing comes so easily. A good human Incorporates gratitude which brings in positivity and positivity inspires others, attracts all the happiness and also helps in self- improvement. Good humans are always polite, they mind their manners and treat others the way they want to be treated. Being polite does not mean walking on eggshells in front of someone; it simply means to be mindful of what we talk. Be a good human being first this could help us face the problems the world is facing today. Above all a good human is the one who shows empathy, and understands the pain of others and always advices others. Always stays by the person during the crisis.

If we are successful at becoming a good human being, then we can be successful in whatever we do.

"Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive."

- Dalai Lama